Tonic Audio Labs

Reconnect the brand with evolving user needs

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Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Web Development—Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Web Development—Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Web Development—Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Web Development—Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Web Development—
Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Web Development—Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Web Development—Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Web Development—Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Web Development—Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Web Development—

Identifying the Disconnect

Grim conducted a brand audit that revealed a misalignment between Tonic Audio's messaging and user behavior. Originally marketed as a collaboration tool, users were now primarily using the platform as a personal music repository, leading to a decline in new sign-ups and engagement.

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Brand Refresh

The brand was refreshed to resonate with both professional musicians and hobbyists. The logo was simplified with a minimalist design, the color palette was revitalized, and dark mode was introduced, aligning with the industry-standard look of professional digital audio workstations (DAWs).

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Messaging and Content Alignment

To ensure consistency, Grim updated Tonic Audio's social profiles, website, and marketing materials across all touchpoints. The brand's messaging was realigned to highlight its current functionality as a music repository, ensuring all content and communications resonated with the evolved user expectations, leading to stronger engagement and market presence.

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Brand Identity
Brand Messaging
Art Direction
UI / UX Design
Custom Merch
Brand Strategy
UX Strategy
Website Development
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